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thumbnail of New Zealand Flag Referendum A FUCKING LEAF.png
New Zealand Flag... png
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> lake on one place while in the dream there's none.
lakes sometimes have deeper meaning. It's not always just a body of water. Sometimes an energetic nourishment or it can be a portal to an another world that is hidden in that place.

> someone in my dream making a very clever joke which I only understood later that day
Once I asked someone who he was. He told me 
> I am the spirit that haunts Europe!
then he jumped out of the window.
When I woke up I was like what??? Then I realized it was May 1st that day. Workers Day... He joked that he is communism itself.
> chance that you can elicit new (or ancient) information from within the dream
Sometimes you connect to past lives. It's good when the connection arises.
> never heard of that word before
I to had that sometimes. Like I didn't know you pronounce Vajra as Vahhra with a soft r that is almost like an l. Had to look at several pronunciation videos and when they said it with an r comments said THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE IT. But then again too many dialects as always. My mind rejects most foreign words tho. Hard to remember most.

> it only happens when I dabble and focus on the occult
Your mental state gets more aligned with those subjects and more recipient too. You sometimes connect to the entities or places you read or practiced with sometimes to past lives that also dabbled in the occult like you now. I had to realize that those who dabble in the occult are usually in it for deeper reasons especially those who venture beyond the surface level.
> it almost gave me schizophrenia
When the real reality and the wanted reality unable to merge there is a recoil and if you are too stubborn things can break. What is stronger and what is more malleable? your mind or the fabric of reality? The answer might surprise you lol.
> trying to focus on affecting dream reality
dream realities have levels. Some of them are detached and bound only to your will. Extremely malleable. Some of them share parts with reality and the malleability of it depends what you are dealing with. While there are those that stems from your issues or from other problems the world faces. They are those that feel the strongest while they are the one you probably have to deal with at some parts of your life. Everything is an illusion. But some illusions needs to take other forms to be understood better.
> which has risks of schizophrenia
The current human society is extremely schizophrenic as of now. Delve into it as deep as you feel comfortable. Or as you feel the need to see into it. Some things makes you feel you shouldn't see it while you will know you have to see it. Or the opposite.
> I may have delved too deep and tampered with or awakened the wrong chakras or maybe it was essential for energy manipulation
They can be fixed and will be fixed one way or the other. There are no mistakes on the path. Making mistakes and learning from them is important. Trying to avoid mistakes creates a mindset that does nothing but a coping mechanism that you never made mistakes at all or saps your will from the most minor slights. I too had to learn to not fear making mistakes.
> does not read the manual
There are very few manuals that actually work anyway. I never understood the point of sorting your books by author for a while. Then I realized the book is about the author and his mind and not what is written in it. This applies to occultism too. Sometimes you have to find out what the author of the information got into where did he get his insights from and what was his Fate in the end after being "so knowledgeable" about the unknown. There are some footsteps you have to analyze from a safe distance.
> just focuses on the immediate results
Welcome in the club!
> at least I don't get those existential dread from when it happens
When you reach that point you will notice deja vus less or care about them less and your mind will stop constantly try to make you notice them.