will come back and talk more later: The birds were the inhabitants of the previous Earth, and they were red birds. They were the original Jews, today called Rocicrucians. They changed their genetics and became yellow, but with this came fanaticism. Jewish noses are actually beaks, but they aren't birds in the physical anymore.

Now we are mostly on Genso-Earth, but the Earth which we know, had Egyptian religion as the standard. Within this pantheon were different godforms, like in Hinduism. Isis spread the magic of vampires on Earth. Vampires are like the cuckoo in space, they are a race which does not procreate, but instead convert other races to become their own race. Through Isis their magic was brought to Earth and used to transform some original humans of our planet to vampires. This was back when humans still lived mostly on the astral, were hermaphrodites with six tits and in their original form. Kain who is the only vampire who "made it" out completely lives on the astral because he never really lost contact with it when everyone else "fell from paradise" after seeing the snake, reptilians down on the Earth 3D surface. Kain has the original hermaphrodite body on the astral as well.

Moses was a priest of Osiris, the husband of Isis. He spread the same kind of magic to the group which became the Jews today. But this appeared within Egyptian religion so it's Rosicrucianism seen from within this scope, and into that was added vampirism. Egyptian religion was later eradicated so it only remained as Judaism with the Rosicrucianism and the vampirism mixed in. Later Catholicism refined the Egyptian element better and Judaism became a Rosicrucian/vampire religion. Vampires still existed in their pure form on the side.