> some things about my human family
Those things need to be healed. Family is the most important aspects humans have since birth and most patterns behaviors and experiences (including issues) come from them. Those things need to be fixed.
> i'd rather not disclose anything about right now
Yeah those experiences and ways we can heal them will get personal and cathartic especially when you fix deep issues that plagued you since birth but you weren't consciously aware of it because it was always there. Hard to talk about those ;_;

> called a reshef of destruction
> next to forbidden memories

Hahahahahaha. Hope you are getting the the symbolism here.
Reshef is an actual deity too. Point is Yugioh had Egyptian themes and because you have fond memories of it it is a good "merging point". Quite the good one tbh. 

> for whatever reason i was able to immediately memorize the number without any issues at all
Truth is we have all the memories stored within us in one way or an another but recalling all of them is not efficient. But if we have a good energetic attachment to or a deeper meaning...
> 38033121
3 is a great number it usually means divinity in many ways.
Eight is like two 0's in top of each other. I call it the "connection of worlds"
80 somewhat can mean 3 worlds because the "three zeroes". They usually mean completeness. Also Infinity is a 0 with a split. Complicated numerology schizo autism... Was a hard time in my life when I started to see the numbers everywhere and how randomness is a "lie". Fun times.
Also 33 is the Master number that numerologists usually cream themselves from but it can be seen as the two sides of 8 too. While 1 2 1 can mean the 3 pillar but the 2 is the "leader pillar"

If this was the number in your dream then congrats you arrived at the "matrix" layer. When human-made knowledge and experiences try to connect with the otherside. 
Only get schizo autistic about it if you feel a pull towards it because if you cannot connect to the meaning behind the "appearances" then it will just not make sense to you. Wonder what I wrote so far even made any sense at all.
> im unsure if this is coincidence or relatating to my sisters and the others
m-mere c-coincidence! Life is just a big meaningless chaos h-haha.

Seeing the connections between things takes time and practice. Especially because activating connections through unrelated or unused parts of your beings which in the end will create a "true order" will feel random but usually it is not random. Just the way things start flowing. Water starts to flow into all directions before the flow creates a stream that will turn into a river. 

> being focused on college stuff. doing well for the most part
That is good to hear. You need to live a stable life and be able to balance out your otherworldly evolution. Being a normal human is either the easiest thing or with some schizo marbles at the wrong places it can turn into an impossible nightmare. It's important to understand how things flow. Your sisters realized this long ago so they are less "hasty" nowadays even tho it might appear different for you. They were quite brutal back then when they didn't understand how "order" works in this world. Order and chaos is just different sides of a coin. Coin needs both of it's sides to have value. Even tho you can only look at 1 side at first.