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> If you have enough source material and it helps on your field of study use it but if a professor wants to hear back the exact words he wrote into his expensive book then you are fucked. I had to keep friend circles in uni to know what is the "pet theory" of the prof you need to never forget or he insta fails you. Or which people are those that you need to pay attention to or avoid. But then again every university is different. Dunno how hard is yours
well, its a community college and online classes no less (since i'm in a weird spot and had to do a consortium agreement) but mostly the class i was referring to is a PHP class that uses a book from like 2014 (iirc it was called murach's sql and php 3rd edition or something) but basically the flow is
> read like 20-30 pages of it for a chapter
> then do exercises at the end of the chapter
> the files we had to download with the ebook already have folders with the solutions to the exercises, the exercises without any of the solutions/code added, and book_apps which is more or the same content as the solution folder
so instead of just being able to learn anything you can just
> insert a few comments, change positioning of the code then say what you learned that week and what the code is for
> chapter quizzes at the end but you can just google the answers
it's so damned dry, i feel no motivation to do apart from the bare minimum thats required (remembering the concepts, etc.) and just fucking off to do my own stuff since that gives me a reason to actually learn and apply concepts. there's also a red hat linux i'm undertaking which is the same way but there's no hint of a final exam or project (not even in the syllabus) so i assume its just nothing but the lab reviews on the red hat site and quizzes

i think the approach my last professor (he taught python and c#) handled it best even if i had my own bouts of procrastination then
> didn't give us assignments but had us watch youtube videos (THAT HE MADE) which teaches us the concepts and the option of doing whatever had that were assignments for his other classes with the only things that we had to do was fill out a weekly form where answer if we got the concepts and to explain them within a paragraph. seriously, the only actual assignments we had apart from the reports was just a final exam and final project
