> Tho all I know about PSO2 that it faced a massive controversy and will be shut down because of it. I think I read it somewhere that the community managers powertripped and killed the whole game.
yeah, the global version hired some tranny (who was supposedly a mod on 4chan). constantly antagonized community people who gather information on the game, harassed people and a bevy of other things. iirc there's a video of him saying why kids/everyone should be taking estrogen or something to that effect. however, even before the global version of PSO2, the game had already had a massive controversy on the JP side with a director back in the episode expansion years ago. NGS... alright to me personally but it's still really fucked. In addition to that director i mentioned there was also stuff about the tranny community manager influencing stuff but i have no clue since i actively avoid the global side of things like the plague since it's almost always retarded shit like this. If that whole fiasco with hyena's means what i think it means then maybe ngs will probably unfuck itself some more but who knows at this point

> Dabbled in programming in high school but realized I will not have a chance in life to get money from programming because of other responsibilities and it can only turn into an interest or a hobby at max so I didn't bother to develop the mental faculties that can literally "slurp up programming knowledge". It's just the way you structure knowledge. Some parts of it is autistic while some parts of it can be superintuitive.
Also it never helped that I was supermegatired everytime the programming class took place. Can't really give an advice on it because every programming language has a "feel" that you need to get the hang of. It's usually logic patterns but they have a flow that when you understand it it just comes together. Ganbare I guess. At least on this board you are not alone with this problem. Maybe others can chip in.
i had considered other jobs/careers but my body isn't that strong among other things and anything else i can't really click with. I almost fell into the game design meme but i got lucky and dodged it. Only other idea i had in mind was being a vtuber but ehhhh

> It's also a mechanism. You can actually "copy" the "skill tulpa" from people but for that you have to "Look into them" and some of us can do that subconsciously. Sometimes your eyes will just touch weirdly but sometimes they will be just get surprised by your trance like focus looks ( sometimes we make dumb faces while doing that without realizing) also sometimes they subconsciously feel something "weird" coming from you that they can't understand so they disregard it. It's about the subconscious forces of people connecting and sometimes it gets unnoticed sometimes it bothers people.
ah i see

> What. Which part of you complained? This is important here because it seems your being is syncing with reality and it's elements because it's "new" for (some parts) of (You)
it's more just doing dumb things occasionally peering into places like r9k or the female equivalent (crystal cafe). the former feels like im just studying people and the latter, i have no clue but i keep getting drawn there, looking all the stuff posted there. at this point i'm not sure im just subconsciously studying people or what anymore. though i guess thanks them i've been around more women but ehhhh