Like those fucks are so self sabotaging and self destructing and there are so many dumb ass sikrit soycieties I am unable to even figure out the need to even look at them "deeply". There are weird structures and there are people in there operating it but it seems they just cancel themselves out? It doesn't just feel like divine punishment but as an eerie comedy. Ants and flies are more organized ffs
> But you avoided researching it in details also
There are stuff that I know is "being handled" already and me "getting involved" will not always help things.
> a white European
Because "whites" don't exist. You probably know people who were born blonde or ginger and some of them constantly change their haircolor as they grow up naturally. It is because they are different races and the genetics always pick up a "new command" what the hair color should look like. We are "mutts" already. It's just compared to the USA we are pure blooded aryans but in reality we are just a mix of different steppe and sea people that decided that this place is the best for agriculture. Understanding my own genetic roots also took time and how to "go beyond it". Current humans are not humans for a very long time. 
> upheld artificially by the modern cityscape environment
Oh that too. I too had to understand how the "Ziggurat tech" works so I can change the flow of artificially channeled energies. Humans & co sure loved to use that tech as a stop gap measure.

> are 800 though
sounds more accurate 
But I don't know what is a "real ruler" for a grey tho. For them it seems to be a way of control over resources (duh) but they have a specific interpretation of it.