> when you start fixing things you just awaken the chance to ruin things even further without realizing.

Oh and even beyond that. Once you start to see the "malleable future" you can actually sew destinies and see what are the parts of reality that are under some "interests" and how you can mold it. Then as you are aware of it others who are aware of your awareness pick up on the issue and fix the problem as a sort of "goodwill" because they also see it as a threat because of your awareness. Then even harder out of the world problems arise.
Like the djinn. I completely misunderstood the whole thing and how Islam is a super long project that will bear fruit in the far-far future. What we see currently is the cow manure that will sustain the wheat fields that will be made into the most delicious cake in existence (according to the djinn). So while Islam is part of the Abrahamic trilogy the next steps and the steps after it will be able to go beyond it like they were never part of it. And while looking that far is possible but it is as pointless as thinking about what I will eat in the morning 60 years from now.

Damm I managed to overpost again.