> developing the ability to astral project?
In the Sunflower we use the term Astral Travel rather than "projection". There are a few reasons for this:

When leaving your body, your soul (astral form, core) actually leave your body, which is then exposed to danger. Some manuals even say that if the body is disturbed, or merely touched by another person, your connection with your body may be broken. This means you cannot return.

Some claim that the soul is connected by "the silver string" and that this cannot be broken. Some again claim that the silver string breaks easily. The Maergzjiran cabal claims that an astral being called a Gate Sloth is actually a person who astral projected, but failed to return. They are stuck in a dimension close to humanity, unable to return because their body died.

These are reasons for not projecting full on from your body.

There is however another situation relevant here. For those who use vampire magic, as well as for some who practice yoga or things which fall under the umbrella of "satanism", there is the possibility of becoming "undead". At this stage, your soul merges with your bodily form. This means you can only leave this dimension by taking your transformed body with you. This is why hardcore vampires live very long, they will learn to move directly into other dimensions in body.

Neither of these above stated situations prevent you from having vivid astral experiences however.

Although, if you are practicing this merely to have "fun experiences", you are doing it for the wrong reason. This isn't entertainment, it's way too dangerous for that too, if you were to actually project. You should aim to leave the physical in a controlled manner, so that you can live safely in any dimension of your choice later.

I would recommend two methods; either a deep trance state, achieved by practicing self-hypnosis ("The Art of Covert Hypnosis" explains this well, or you can check out the Silva mind control method) to learn how to reduce your awareness of your physical body to the minimum while still technically awake and in control, or by inducing lucid dreaming with a specific aim. The latter is fairly easy to do right away after waking up in the morning. Wake up naturally with no alarm, then start a prepared visualization to tune your mind for the location. Relax until you fall asleep again.