I had a dream where I was traveling in what I guess is Alaska, and then it seemed that I had a classmate who had a mouth and teeth that resembled a lamprey's. Reminded me of Shalltear Bloodfallen from the Overlord anime series, who is regarded as a 'true vampire'. I then entered this large room in a building which was filled with these lamprey-mouthed people, and then I put on some of protective glove on my left hand and was about to exit the room where I opened the door but then this weird being that seemed to be amorphous came and bit me in the protected hand, somehow penetrating the glove.

Somehow I understood that I was going to start to 'turn', and then a lamprey woman opened an app on my phone and started checking off some things on this checklist (she checked off six things, including one that said 'trans') and was all supportive to me, but then I straight up said that if I turn, I would kill myself, and then she was all 'no, don't do that', turning even more sympathetic all of a sudden.

The day before I dreamed that, a cat approached me but I resolved to move away from it before it did anything to me.