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> like annoying flies when it's raining outside and they keep trying to sit on your hands when you're typing

When the pressure and the temperature drops flies will go "low energy mode" and that is why they are weak and dumb at those times. Currently my mindwaves affect the movement of bugs and other things. First I thought it's because I have a shard of Beelzebub or something but according to her this is just my overloading mental projections in "work". Also whenever a bug gets into my room and I get annoyed by it I find it's corpse dead by the next day in a place where I can always see it. Now that one is a "freebie" from entities around me.
> I noticed Americans seem to have lost their confidence online
And IRL too. They know they are not in the "right" anymore. THE AMERICA FUCK YEAH spirit is over and they don't know where this will lead too. All the issues the elites managed to sweep under the rug for years are just blatantly obvious nowadays. They know that there is nothing to be "patriotic" anymore. 
> they have left is to call people "pedophile
It's funny how they cannot even use the "racist" anymore. Nowadays you have to be racist against russians or jews/palestinians by default or they are mad for you not being outraged by the THING.

> the meme-creator hierarchy has changed, and they feel it, but can't perceive it.
It's funny how they were always at the bottom at the meme creator hierarchy. But now they lost even the motivation to make even those shitty "memes" too. 
But yeah it's kinda unbelievable how Biden ruined the entire image of the USA.
 This is why I wanted him to win. Being the opposition that does nothing but screech and sabotage everything is easy. I wanted to see what will happen when they will be in "charge".  Even commies knew the "lumpenproletariat" is the first thing they need to get rid after they get into power.
I just remembered when I had a dream where a charismatic rich dude who was obviously useless outside of talking tried to recruit me into something and just mentioned that 
> I am a communist
I told him
> Me too but more akin to a stalinist or a national socialist
And smiled widely while projecting into his mind that YOUR KIND WILL BE THE FIRST TO FACE THE WALL NO MATTER WHICH REVOLUTION WILL WIN (I fucking hate champagne commies that never fucking worked in their life)
He smiled awkwardly as a reply where I couldn't decide he did not understand what I mean or he understood too well what I meant. Then he said he has to "go".

> doesn't matter because of some asinine reason
Those are self defeatists.
> One person says it's possible the other says it's impossible. Both of them are right
> if that makes sense
It makes sense but what I didn't know if it's some expression of negative energies that latched onto you because you hang around these places or a past event is trying to remanifest. The energies can merge btw. In weird ways sometimes...

> i'm considered one of those myself
Nah you good. Especially considering the current state of societal mental wellbeing. Pic related. And things got far worse since he said this quote.

Wall trash as a term was in urbandictionary when I looked it up. It just meant picking a tattoo which is "on the wall of recommendations" because you have no creativity to ask for something "original". But yeah the wall meme is also funny. 
> adult lolis
boy I knew a woman that looked like she was 17 when she was beyond 30 already and while that sounds great for women she was actually a lawyer in training and because of her looks she could never get the "respect of her profession". Funny how it works.