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> Uhhhhh. There is a high tech alternate timeline "close to us" and I too was in there in a dream and was wondering if this is some symbolic thing but it is an actual world. I wanted to say it earlier when you had that dream about Trypper that your abilities are awakening and I think this might be an another symptom of that. You are able to slightly shift between worlds (to visit them). There are not just magical realms but supertech realms around us also. And mundane ones too.

> It always baffled me that the world is trying to tell me that I chose right when I felt like I chose the wrong one. Crazy how it can work sometimes. Also this might be about your "programming mind" tuning itself to an another world "programmer version of you"
yeah, it was weird. Like i said the people administrating the test and tech they were using it for were very lax, they were just like
> "yeah, you can go around town, find a hint, or dick around if you want, just make you sure you atleast try to submit something on time, even if it is partially incomplete"
Other than i still felt more or less the same personality wise and such. the only difference i could see that lady (she probably was one of my sisters in a different form again) much easier.

> Wasn't that the dream Trypper wrote about  >>/4570/ here. Just a guess tho
there are some similarities but the vampire lamprey thing and the person who got turned into one were the only two existences of said creature that i could sense. everyone else there, including the exposition bot were fine and didnt give off any malicious or bad vibes.

> It makes sense but what I didn't know if it's some expression of negative energies that latched onto you because you hang around these places or a past event is trying to remanifest. The energies can merge btw. In weird ways sometimes...
haha... yeah, i'll be more mindful of that from now on

I'm remembering a slight bit more but after the nuke moon backfired. was in some weird garden area but it also felt something akin to those gyms in pokemon gyms. I had to help a lady who looked pick related tend to her(atleast i think it was hers) garden. You know, moving boulders around, sweeping, etc. but i'm not sure if it was just being in the mansion or something again