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I know Ancap did, but I normally don't talk about what I do in relation to the world openly. Right now however, I think I should mention that there's been psi-op agencies messing with me for quite some time, even after the main ones were taken out. They hired some rabble from all corners of the world to keep this shit up it seems. Maybe I stand out more than others, but still, keep in mind that there are also perfectly "normal" humans out there who'll try to infiltrate your life and mess with your mind using inborn abilities. Most of them suck donkey dick at astral combat though so they're easy to take down. Just be aware of it, an attacker doesn't have to be a spirit.
The main perpetrators are currently isolated in small reserves of karma that they're maintaining, but they're no longer connected. Pfizer CEO is one of them.
If you do end up fighting them and see yellow/green energy come out from them after killing them, don't touch it!
That energy is concentrated "nectar" which was stolen from a large number of beings and must be returned to the gods for recycling. If you keep it for yourself you're just as bad as them and will have the wrath of the gods aimed at you just the same. 
Just a warning.