Can't believe I forgot to mentioned it yesterday but one other part of the "dream" involved some boya putting protection on me. I'm not sure if it was due to you mentioning that armor for trypper or what but these guys were putting some weird plastic(?) plating on my limbs with some talismans. Initially I had to put the plaiting on myself but it wouldn't fit or rather, it kept slipping off. So they put the plating on themselves as a result. I can't remember why they were even putting it on me to begin with but they had to put down for adhesive on the plating for it to properly take hold and they said something along the lines of "powered based on what you believe in". I'm not sure if it was related to it or not but it i had to deep dive inside myself to find something but I couldn't put a grasp on what specifically. The only things that came up apart from my sisters was Aphrodite and some of the things I like (yugioh, etc) as some form of catalyst. Catalyst of a catalyst 

It was weird