> that armor for trypper
Not exactly for Trypper, djinn wanted it made, they had some functional requests and I made it in my design. I think they wanted it for Hamas. Oh well. It's a poltergeist armour, so that a spiritual being such as djinn wearing one, can easier interact with the physical world.

I made a regular armour also, with no sword or anything. I called this Total Armour. Maybe it's that one.

Either way I can attest to the poltergeist function. When I was at my laptop studying before, I saw and heard a potted plant rustle on the window frame next to me, as if something had fallen on its leaves. I looked down and up but there was nothing on the floor or anything. Then I had to mentally backtrack 2 seconds and I realized the instant I heard the leaves move, I thought I saw someone there. 

I looked astrally/using 3rd eye and there was someone wearing the djinn armour just behind my left shoulder.