I think it can be summed up this way:

Attacking the karmic egregore of the state of Israel as created after WW2 is allowed. At most it's a band-aid on an infected wound, and keeping it in place will make it worse the longer it stays on.

The problem would appear if someone with a modern racist (/pol/ style ignorant) perspective went and hexed Judaism, non-whites, Jews, Muslims, or any other definition which doesn't refer to any clearly defined group or "thing". Doing so will mean attacking something which inevitably contains things that should be not be attacked. Ideas like
> not all Jews
posted with an ironic tone on /pol/ for example may influence your mind to think that attacking any Jew is fine. But then who is a Jew in the first place? Aren't Christians Jews? Aren't all Americans Jews, they are circumcised? Jesus bashed the "mutilators of the flesh" and it's said in the old testament/torah that whoever doesn't get circumcised stops being a Jew. So if you do it, aren't you still a Jew? Then your hex may hit all Americans as well.

Just to name some examples.