"Modern society" is all the deflection women come up with when told they have a vagina, not a penis, and with that comes a different role than if they had one.

> democratic institutions
We need them, because... women can't control a patriarch, he will put them in their place. A democrat faggot on the other hand will let them maintain their delusion.

> Welfare systems
We need them because... women refuse to accept the welfare of their nature-given role. They would be provided for if they were just assuming that role, but they want to maintain the idea that they are "independent" so they need the welfare state, which emulates the man who would have provided for them.

> Rights
We need them, because... when no man is protecting women, because women got rid of him, we need instead a justice system populated by weaklings who can protect whatever whim they come up with instead of their real purpose, which would have been protected by the man they got rid of.

> and so on

Re-institute the man and the gender roles, and we don't need any of that modern shit. But the political eunucks  won't like that.