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Just one more thing...

Before you ask why did your sisters just not take you to your "real home" already is because... How to say this. On earth you are in "stand by" mode. You can only use your weapons as a self defense or if a "guardian god" who you belong allows it. The mansion is not earth but a sort of "boundary realm". At that place you can go nuts.

Now the real problem was that your sisters had to realize that when they grabbed you and wanted to bring you back you just went 
they had to develop their way to be able to "reason with you" and most importantly with the human parts of your being. This is why they have talismans and stasis fields so you don't delete them.
They really had it hard to reach this point. Luckily time is not a real issue for them because time flows completely differently... k they just said 
< our world does not have these unnatural timeflows this is why things are complicated for us here 
yeah I have no way explaining how the fuck time flows there. I understand what they mean but muri-da impossibru. I will not start writing down post-newtonian theories that is not even part of the known scientific fields of current earth. It will just sound like gibberish.

> stuck my body with strings
I just realized what that was about. First I thought that is for you to be able to "puppet" your body but almost the opposite. It was to make sure your "consciousness" awakens before the auto targeting defense system. 

Also when you can reach the "free will level" where you can retain complete authority over your being you will be able to dismantle this defense system because you will be counted strong enough to "not need it anymore". There are some weird lock systems on it that are there for repurposement and to take it apart. It's just it's locked because randomly taking it apart in the wrong way might do way too much harm so "unauthorized access" just activates the defense system.
And this is why your sisters mantra'd that 
> you belong to us sister
To make you accept them as "owners" and not targets...
Omg. Truly a fascinating case.

> there was a Miko themed deck in yugioh called mikanko
Cute. Thx for posting Mikos