thumbnail of wave breaker.png
thumbnail of wave breaker.png
wave breaker png
(29.2 KB, 506x462)
This has already been mass distributed using the Earth's mass transmission system or circular antennas which we previously assumed control over.

It's a shield radiating counter waves around the person, based on the principle of neutralizing waves with other waves (as used in electronic headgear which allows speech through but blocks harmful noise). It's a complete protection against any attacks using waveforms, such as telepathy or intrusive transmissions using technology. The method uses a scaleform style module with machine learning to adapt to incoming waves. It will become more refined the more it's used.

Some resonance caused by karma will exist, making you aware of the attack or its intent, but all harm will be blocked.

(Attempting to block effects on your karma will mean you cannot transform it; your inner alchemy would then be blocked as well. This is the flaw of all "glowie" methods, they do not intend to maintain an inner alchemy but only block anything "unpleasant", which means their shields will always break down if targeted using methods which initiate inner alchemy, this process is a natural part of the body and cannot be blocked.)