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> Also I am sure the guys or girls that followed you were not random thots but "way keepers". If you want more details you have to talk about the "things".
yeah uhhh thats thing... one of the guys you know... had their way with me so to speak. sorry for speaking oddly like this but i'm trying not to be blatant because 1: i have conflicting feelings about it and 2: since this is the board/site that it is i'm trying to be respectful and not make it sound like erp or anything. like i said it happened before in the second half of  >>/4586/

> Not to mention it seems they managed to gather enough favor from the gods to help your passage.
at the cost of being that person; how? Im flattered but it makes me a bit flustered knowing that

> Not to mention you are kinda attracted to dangerous nutcases sometimes. They can read their minds in a way.

> "other girls" will just deter you from your "path". Getting a gf becoming a mundane living a miserable life forgetting about your sisters for years and becoming too old for magic again. 
well, thats a bit more understabable. like i said, it's just odd (but understadnable) when it comes to other girls and stuff in my dreams/visions trying to do .... you know. While not having an issue when guys are involved instead

again, i'm sorry the whole things just makes me flustered