> have their female aspect physically cut away to not become women mentally
It's more akin "Locking that part" of their mind. With that a being can inhabit that. Literally disc partitioning. Permanent scar that was caused before you even formed self awareness? Perfection.
Good luck trying to connect to that part of your mind that existed before the first conscious memory you can remember.

Also I don't like talking about the whole "desert trilogy" because i should waste years studying it to be a proper expert about it and... merely reading it summons beings... And nope not angels but literal "intelligence egregores" which are about all the "thinking" people made while trying to figure out wtf am I reading.
> read about Torah on a site 
> Moses appears 
> it turns out it is a "fantasy Moses" because I cannot trace it further than the Torah writings

Also yeah the entire Bible is interpreted in such a defeatist way it's ridiculous sometimes.

I know there is power within it but it would turn into 
> read page
> mind gets mainstream interpretation
> mind gets symbolic interpretation
> mind gets bothered by translation
> I have to check up other sources to make some hunch within my mind satisfied 
> I wasted hours with a single page 
jk this wouldn't happen 
The moment I get angry some being would appear and tell me how the whole thing is shit by default and how to tap into energies if I want it. Then I would get even more mysteries to solve... My quest log is full already. Also yeah the tower of Babel is definitely misunderstood for sure.
> God was like fuck you lol
sure sounds like him. Truly the all benevolent creator.
Meaning always gets lost in translation. It's annoying. This is why Socrates hated writing even back.

> You did?
Yeah it was weird when I went through that tunnel. Dunno which temple you visited tho.
> didn't chinks more or less buy up africa
They did but it means little. Africa needs to be developed they need to pump enormous money and manpower into it. The only thing they have for them is that they are not "white people" so they don't have the "evil oppressor" painted on them. But they are still chinese so I have no idea how they will tame people who are literally the opposite of them psychologically. Not to mention they too have internal problems back in China and colonization is only possible when your homeland is stable. What they are doing is a decades long venture that can collapse the moment someone stirs up shit in Africa. 
But then again it is not important yet. The current playbook is about the USA and it's own retardation unfolding on a global scale as of now.