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something... odd happened. I encountered some weird group power rangers(?) who acted like /pol/acks. it managed to be the most odd and funniest thing simultaneously, they tentatively invited me into their quarters to say or maybe have me join them (i can't remember) but basically they were complaining nonwhites and wanting them all dead (my current human body is "mixed" but for the most part i dont really allow myself to be phased by it). talking about them using their power to genocide every nonwhite or whatever tangent they were but at the same time, they weren't white either they either tanned skin or was something like a tanned elf or whatever. regardless, i recall myself laughing at how silly it is and they got super pissed off and tried to kill me but i think someone stopped(?) them or either killed them in response. it was kind of weird because as they were dying they pretty much said i don't belong on earth and will forever deserve to be alone because of my species/me being a freak that doesnt conform or feel a connection or something dumb like that, which was shit i was already aware to begin with. That aside i was a priestess again and wandered through a weird enchanted forest, it was past some boundary, seemingly. i had to collects shards of key shaped relic and was getting stalked, weird shadow people saw me and approached me but they didnt really attack me (they were annoying me honestly) then i was getting followed and harassed by a flock of crows and ravens but they didnt seem hostile... they kept following me around like i was their owner or something. i dont know if that rainbow coalition of /pol/ack power ranges was an egregore or some retards trying to mess with me