> You can't understand the mentality and logic of a place like that from the modern world view.
I am not coming from the modern world view.

> The wine is the blood of Christ
I know this is just an example to describe things but HE FUCKED THAT PART UP. WINE is about immortalizing the principle of change. Grapes rot wine doesn't. 
I should do a longpost about the Orphic traditions sometime. I was way  in the mystery cults back then and Jesus sorta IMPROVISED and this kinda fucked shit up. We have too many useless demons because of that for a very long time.
Like this fucking pic summons a bunch of demons that will fuck with you because people don't understand what is the holy spirit and how Jesus did his things.
> Dying made him immortal
It's part of the process but...
He managed to start up a scripted event for himself without realizing because he forgot what he wants to accomplish... 
Yeah am gonna sleep. That whole thing was a mess and those jews who did not accept him got fucked over metaphysically hard.
> Killing yourself or killing someone else, it exists in a vacuum, it doesn't mean anything.
You have a command within. To survive and thrive. Killing yourself is only allowed if you can convince yourself that survival is worse than death and you will be treated like shit for that. The only "good way" in suicide if you can prove killing yourself is survival.
> it doesn't mean anything
For you. And I don't understand this part of you.

> We tend to think the 1800s and before were so moralistic
In my country finding your wife cheating on you allowed you to kill her and the other person in the act. And only in the act. If you forgave your wife for that you were not allowed to kill her later on.
> it's 50% porn
Usually popular writings "survived". Spicy art always survives because there is a demand for it. Especially back then. It was a treasure.

> Are we no more than animals
ANIMALS DON'T KILL EACH OTHER FOR RETARDED REASONS EITHER. Currently "humans" kill each other for dumber reasons. And yes "modern" people are on the level of unkept factory animals. If you do things because of fear of punishment you are a slave that needs to be whipped for staying in lane.

> alone in the woods with no food and about to starve to death
I would eat bark and grasses also I have an extremely well made emergency mode for those situations.
> isolation 
My powers awaken in isolation because the distraction is "gone". It happened too many times. Being lost is almost my key for "finding myself" because I have time for my priorities. But then again you mentioned your japanese past life where your vampirefu got cold so I am not on your level of experience. I always find something when I am "lost" but purposely being lost is not my thing. I am lost because I am looking for something. And getting lost is part of the process of finding things.