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Now for my own sharing:
A spider suddenly dropped from my left hand, it was an unusual one, white with black spots. I threw it out the window because I don't kill spiders (I don't harm insects, bees or spiders for no reason). I then checked my stomach and it appears the spider-like parasite is gone.
> machine parts
It seems I have them too, probably related to this thing, but these are something I intentionally created when trying to understand the large scale industrial society while maintaining my personal viewpoint. It's just one large gear with a smaller cogwheel inside it, which transfers the large scale stuff down to my level. As I looked at it, it changed form into a planet circulating around a sun for a moment.
I think the reason these things weren't intrusive to me in the same way, is that I took them in with a benevolent attitude which was so inclusive that they never managed to suppress my true nature. I just didn't understand things from their selfish perspective no matter what. I bet they were very frustrated about it. 
There was still some device in it which had absorbed and stored nectar in my body, which caused issues, that was what I had to pay back. Letting criminals store stolen goods in your body is still not ok.

This makes me think of the common concept spread around that people get in trouble over things that were remotely downloaded to their computers. Like planting drugs or a weapon on a person as a way to frame them. It may be connected to this, a manifestation of it in the physical.
> pic
This is just silly, but it does express how I felt about the gears I made.