Once you get used to the blacknet and the grey cloud, you may want to check out the browsers for other nets that are available on the blacknet archive. I'll list the ones I know of so far:
> Astranet, the elvish net
A social media platform which looks more like Onlyfans with magic items than anything else. Regular elves use it for whoring, while dark elves and forest elves use it for sharing spells and items (but that's a very small part).
> Galfed net
Galactic federation net, may require a password for access and does not contain a lot at first glance. It's mostly a large trading platform for "boring" stuff (anyone want to buy starship fuel??), the real things take place in private chatrooms.
> ScaleForm
Reptilian system. Requires a physical install on your body to work properly but the browser can be used as an interface for copying stuff between your scaleform and the blacknet. Scaleform is based off using fax and physical media.
> Black hell group
I don't know anything about this one yet, it's a vampire system, I recently connected to it.