> there may also be someone who wants to eat them.
There is this weird "thing" that when you mark "your people" as "your food" and if anyone eats or licks them in anyway then they instantly become a "food" by themselves. I am not operating by these "low levels" but that doesn't mean anyone can eat my stuff without giving me a notice.
> exposure is the best way
Yes it is but I need to learn my "own ways" first then go into other dens otherwise my confusion will just ruin things. Especially because there are way too big differences between the "me" the "confused me" and the "in the zone me". Not every entity can adjust to those. 
> Alcoholic? You just need to drink more until you get tired of it!
 I spent 400 years in the garden of Dionysus where I was kinda permadrunk because the atmosphere was that intoxicating by default and the first time I channeled something in "this life" when I was drunk in a garden looked at the stars some poetry about love and oneness started to come out from my mouth then grabbed some steel pipe to help the way I "sing" and in the end I hit a faggot in the face with said pipe and my awareness only returned when people wanted to lynch me for that... I kinda talked myself out of that situation but was real fucking mad because no one listened what I said and I totally forgot it because all everyone cared about that some faggot got hit in the face and not the words I said. That's when I learned that traumas can make you instasober. Also I am a social drinker because alcohol just ruins my thinking capabilities then kills my memories which is the worst. If I enjoy a party only other people remember what I did... and the scratches on my body. I am fun at parties but (most) parties are not fun for me. 

> wouldnt hurt asking them again later tonight
Do that and report back about it later. I might figure out something till that too