Your methods are too different from my own. I usually trace the energy back to its physical origin, such as how the white negative energy that seemed to come from boiling water using electric heating, turned out being karma from the fish being killed in the water-propelled powerplants. "Dirty energy" got a new meaning. I always thought coffee brewed from water boiled on firewood tasted much better, higher in energy somehow. It's because wood is a material, sure from a killed tree, but it's not a massive crime against nature like a water-mill.
Why is mainstream porn so dirty? It has similar energy, created by different types of abortion, doesn't matter if it's mechanical or by substances, it's there. Something was arrogantly killed to produce this product, so it contains that disgusting energy.

These are my observations in regard to that white energy, I can't tell you what in specific it is to you. I usually use a more "conventional" method of negating such effects when I can't avoid using products in society, by saying "I will not accept anything negative that was created during its production, I accept the correct form of the product, not the incorrect method of production". Or something like that. Being aware of the source of consumer products has become something I do without thinking, checking ingredients and the source of them. I boycott many producers entirely because of what they are known to use. I also routinely send retribution or hex them to give room for better ones.
In my view it comes down to showing everyone that you did all you could to negate the bad stuff. At one point you still have to live, but at least do what you can.