> migraine last night due to allergies
Sorry for sounding ignorant but what kind of allergies are causing migraines?

When I realized I have psychic powers I realized the first powers that I should awaken should be healing  because even in vidya I realized that once you can self heal you are no longer dependent on food and healing items or inns and you can save so much money with that  and because of that I can turn off migraines and other sudden and long lasting pains it kinda resulted in me neglecting my body and because of that yogic entities literally told me to forget physical yoga because I am too inflexible for that and they will just jumpstart me with psychic lessons... and the physical will be complimentary and not the "base" of the exercises. Because of that I have hard time relating to problems like these. Not to mention allergies can be healed via hypnosis and migraines can stem from energetic awakenings  The worst is that I know people who were part of a "brain control" seminar and they were able to fix the headaches within themselves but they kinda were like why bother doing that when you can take meds... sometimes I don't understand people 

> being reborn as a priestess/shrine maiden/whatever at some point in the future
Yeah and it doesn't need to happen in an other "flesh body" it can happen within but yeah it will kinda feel you are not just an "other person" but kinda "Upgraded".

> getting turned back into a woman
You are not just get turned back but you will "retain" the powers that you used while being a woman.
> I don't mind it. Weird stuff
Hard to hate something that belongs within your "true nature". But yeah it feels strange because it goes against mainstream thinking.  Not to mention thx to trannies it's even worse because trannies always focus only at the superficial and on a completely deluded way you can't even accept the way they see this process. Integrating the masculine and feminine means sg else from wearing wigs becoming an eunuch and wearing clothes that the mainstream thinking considers "feminine". Like how wearing skirts was normal for Romans and Scots but if you wear it outside the costume it's weird and other stuff. And trannies think that feminine personality means high pitched voice and an obnoxious or bitchy attitude but it's not like it's their fault entirely... having a sane mind while being completely hormonally imbalanced is hard. But that's what happens when society twists the role of the genders. It cannot be helped tho. Happens everytime societal decay reaches a high point in a way or an another 

Take it easy btw. Your mind needs to balance itself. Also it might not hurt to try to ask Aphrodite about some healing techniques or "other (You)". Suddenly you might remember a trick or 2