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> What is karma?
It's the substance your thoughts and actions produce when you do things based on physical 3D principles, in short. (Ok, this is going to be a channeled reply, those are not my own words, the higher God stepped in)
Hell can't produce karma because it's lower than 3D and has no control over it. Ironic isn't it? The hellbeasts and demons down there can only destroy things from the physical 3D, and when humans die and have a lot of that stuff they come to hell, simply because there is nothing to keep them floating up. The inhabitants down there can't create karma, just like humans can't create wood. They can only cut down trees and burn them as fuel. When you come to hell carrying all this firewood that you won't let go, what do you think will happen? They'll throw you into the oven because they need the fuel to not freeze. It's your fault for not letting go of those concepts.
> What is hellfire? Why does it burn karma? Why doesn't it burn the karmic structure that is left behind? What is the source of energy of the hellfire and why is it even beneficial to burn karma?
The karmic structure is from 4D, it was created by demigods. It's a method for burning karma actively, by practice like the one you are doing. Instead of gathering all this wood and then getting thrown into the fire by demons, you realize that you can't use that material outside of 3D. But your habits in the physical will glue it to you, so you have to work hard to get it to detach. If you sit in double lotus and feel the pain, the demons will appear and take away your humans concepts, your firewood, your karma. It means you are giving it to them, and then they'll leave you alone. They don't care about you, they care about the material you are carrying. The karma today in the world has these methods imbued because there are so many religions spreading these. Even if you don't accept it actively, you are here typing in english which is a language containing many christian and celtic symbolics. Using chinese writing and the asian languages which contain them, also includes taoist, confucian and other religious and philosofical concepts. This means your very thinking despite being karma, also contains the proper keys for the absolving of said karma. If you do nothing and the karma is burned by someone else, the structures that restricted the karma will remains after the fire burned all of it. The demons in hell will just throw it in the water and it comes back to the place it originated in. So if you were to throw karma down to them, you get the structures back.