> core flaw? i feel that i have an exact idea of it but i want to know what you mean (this is more for me confirming it myself than anything else)

Some traumas leave a "scar" upon our energy body. It fucks with the flow of energy. Because the energy flow is weak at some places or strong at others the body needs to "balance it" so to balance it it needs to imbalance other things to create an overall balance. It's solves a problem via creating an another problem BUT the new problem is not as bad as the old underlying problem was so the new problem is allowed to stay. Sometimes it creates and fixes several problems.

Fixing "core flaws" which usually stem from traumas or retarded habits we have because of our environment forced us to pick it up allows the energy body to create/manage more energy via less effort and that causes improvement because faculties of our beings that were energetically malnourished can flourish now.

People of the current "society" have an enormous amount of "core flaws" and as I am fixing my own I am designing ways how they can be fixed passively in others and... it's not easy process. Psychology and psychiatry got jewed hard... They create 3 problems while pretending that they are fixing one.

It's like having clogged chakras or don't know how else to say better. Like I was doing an energetic realization while I thought I fixed most of my traumas then suddenly a faint elementary school memory vividly appeared where someone made me mad because of some minor thing. And that faulty "childhood core flaw" served as a building block to my current personality. It was dumb as hell but that was the moment that made me realize later how to channel my anger to be more confident and assertive in conversations so retards cannot treat me as a pushover. Because of that I get too heated in conversations sometimes. And because nowadays I have energy overloads easily that things needs to go because being loud in a conversation is one thing but now I unleash random psychic anomalies in the process when I am not paying attention. 

Thankfully nowadays when I am in a "flawed personality zone/mode" my posture starts to deteriorate then cause pain on my energy body so even tho I am lost in mundanity where my energetic awareness is low I am able to notice it and correct my posture and fix the core habits that make me "desync from my truth". Hard to get rid of habits that you never even thought that they "matter" and did for decades without realizing. These can be Mental emotional and physical patterns also. Core flaws usually need to be fixed personally while you can "wear down" minor flaws. Time heals everything but sometimes it just makes things worse so you can realize this is something you have to personally deal with.