thumbnail of Russian poll.mp4
thumbnail of Russian poll.mp4
Russian poll mp4
(71.82 MB, 854x480 h264)
> Can't understand how Ukraine does it. I know how mentally and humanly broken the average Ukrainian is but still. 
> vid related
I think there is a hint here: Russians do not react like the western leaders expect, because they do not in any way identify with their government. Rather, the average person thinks "So I'm being oppressed by this government which is totalitarian and cannot be changed, and now the west are adding sanctions to harm us even more. We are already victims, why are they doing this to us? Maybe the government is somewhat right in what they say after all."

Then turn this up a few 360s and you get Ukraine: "We're being oppressed by the mafia, we used to have a Russian puppet government, now NATO replaced it and we got an EU puppet instead, you better fucking take responsibility for this country now! I will do as little as possible. [women escape as refugees to whore all over the world while men are sent with 10 bullets to the front line]