Many items are very specific and come out of a need. For example the galfed cooperation has lead to the creation of a number of weapons. They use astral mechanical technology. Recently we worked on a prototype for a long distance explosive round sniper rifle which custom makes rounds loaded with material suited for breaking the karma of the specific target. Targeting was difficult and they assigned a team to find targets and send maps to me. They encouraged me to create a "radar" to spot them, which I eventually did. This is an ongoing work with gradual jumps ahead in development. 
At one point we managed to add an autoloader to the gun, using programming code run through the ScaleForm as an application. Which means the gun had to be supported by a team looking for targets, operated by me, and loaded by a program on the net.
The intent here is to  break down the system of the evil elites, guns then are a solution to this, but the solution is always just what is needed.