> "interplanetary travel is not for fun" they really meant it. It's srs bsns and many things can go wrong.
Karma getting entangled is one of them. It works for the new Nibiru greys because they don't have historical karma.
> Forgot to mention that the elites are also a threat to the "status quo" that is literally their "origin story"
The trick is that this is conservatism in the meaning of "does not want any change" and not taking into account what exactly the current state is. It's not based on any values being hardcoded into them, because these "elites" could never agree on such values + they learned a hard lesson when the hardcoded values of the Babel's tower of Atlantis collapsed. Some of them did, those who built the tunnel towers in the ground still did it with values inserted and "too high" again, which would break the Earth next time if left alone. But the astral constructs aren't as easily fooled, so they appear to have left them a bit open, everyone thinking "it's enough to stop change, only us have the power to change anything so it's going to work in our advantage.

But all that's needed is some demonic loophole abuse using a twisted description of what the current state of the world is. In the same way the Sunflower Temple was built metaphysically to be the new temple and the new tower, and the gods don't look at the 3D form because they can't really see that from their planes anyway. So the #temple channel in the Sunflower discord was accepted as a legit temple because of how it was used.