I feel I should also say that, today we've gone full circle. In the first half of the 1900s it was still possible to see beings from other dimensions fairly easily, people knew about them. But as society turned full on atheist-modernist, they were blocked from appearing directly anymore.

Now most bodies are NPCs or even less than that, just shadows of something, and the Internet is this huge empty hallway with many corridors but no one is home. The lights are on but no one is using it. So there are a surprising amount of otherdimensionals on social media. Some of those things you see aren't visual effects, they're real, but no one will find out. I've seen several people post online who aren't present on the planet surface, and this includes Cyborns posting pictures of themselves.

At one point, the entire thing will break down, because it's reaching ridiculous levels. Human bots/NPCs watching otherdimensional beings post online using alien technology and if this is normal, then why uphold this charade?