> but is this written down clearly? As much as I hate to say it I never had a Bible study period
Since I was like 8 and was first shown the old testament I've had in the back of my head that I will one time start reading this book from the beginning and learn what it's really about for real. That's what I started doing 18 months ago. Funny detail: during the summer Jehovas witnesses came by and offered me a free bible study course. I took their card but said we can do this later because I'm busy. I think they have since left for the astral, I had a dream where this group came by again which seemed to be a playout of how this bible study would have worked, complete with match-making where they'd pull me into their cult by having a young woman flirt me in.

A lot of things aren't in the text but are added interpretations, like how the Babel's tower was never negative, but it is directly in the text that Salomon abandoned Yaweh and because of this his temple would be razed and "israel" divided after his rule ended. It says he loved many women and had 700 wives and 300 concubines, he took after their practices and set up temples and sacrificial grounds for the gods of his wives, who were from all over the world.

Keep in mind the Lesser Keys of Solomon which are attributed to him, all of those sigils I've tried so far are legit, as well as the entities behind them.

The "trick" with this bible study was to treat it like any scientific document and read it in exactly the same way, as when trying to understand a certain area in modern science, but with the occult view added.