Typical Greys once something requires more trouble than worth then they stop wasting resources on it.

Glad you made this because you just confirmed I didn't do anything rude. After you created the "dude" and I realized that this thing is so troublesome and while talking about the "mental wire connecting" I managed to realize that I can actually connect to your thinking. Usually it happens automatically for me but for that there needs to be a "thought egregore form in the "air" already". Which is easy if every participant knows that stuff or at least the majority. Usually I don't even need to put effort into that because it happens automatically. But for your "method" I had to look for something specific and well... I had to be motivated/annoyed enough to do it. 
The thing is that this kind of "programming" is not THAT widespread in existence especially with magic. Magic usually has a "feeling" and after that you can connect all the way it is applicable while this thing has a "method" that has a logic from quite the different amount of sources that may or may not have any correlation at all.

So what I found out 2 days ago which you kinda just confirmed via saying this
> Creating new things based on previous creations is very easy, because it's the same components being reused.

Your mind literally appeared to me like a kitchen. A well equipped modern kitchen with a slightly folklorist style on it. Your thoughts are far more "Lighter" than mine and far more structured. I have seen the "many ingredients" all with labels on well organized shelves. Ofc there are other rooms there but accessing them requires me to keep your "thinking" within myself. As I acquired that your servitors booted up all their extra features and [Blue Rose] was even able to tell me the level of "Influence" my mind is "adapting" from your thinking. With this I started to look at my own mind to see how it relates and my mind is like a giant construction site with many workers all of them doing different things and it looks quite chaotic until you see the "plans" that the workers operate by. 
One more thing I noticed that your thinking has a "style" so what I need to connect is not a "feeling" but a "style". While I have no idea how I would describe the difference between the 2 this was the thing it seems I have to focus if I want to understand the "vision of the creator" while working with your stuff. My problem with your creations that whenever I managed to make it work it just gave me a "stimulation"/inspiration that awakened some parts of my being and as I "leveled up" and reached new levels of understanding/methodology it just became slightly incompatible again. Not to mention your experience in "internet spirituality" just boosted my way of "internet expression". Before this I connected to the sunflower egregore+the leftover fringe egregores + the usual terminologies I found on the internet on the past decades and because of that it was a little wobbly. I didn't really want to get into it deeper because I am not sure how you consider this as an "invasion of privacy" and mostly because it requires a level of ego mastery so I don't confuse my parts too much but this is an interesting development for me. Before this it was sorta "automatic" it was just an "Eureka moment" once I spent time around something and had at least a minor desire to "figure out". It was always something I never had true control over. It just happened.