>  this is why I did not get the "church" treatment
I can't relate to this because as I said I just had this naturally, I never saw the church organization and still at 20 I wasn't able to see through this to look at what people were seeing when they criticised the church for being "patriarchal" or "against gays" or whatever. I'd just say that it's reality, if God is a man it should be patriarchal and gays should be put to death according to the bible so what's the issue? Then I'd get a barrage of excuses for why sinning isn't bad, so I'd just reject it and tell them again what I said before.
But yeah I know now it's because I'm a walk-in who came in through an adapted christian ritual, I watched illustrated bible stories on tv when I was little and was sent to church for kids on sundays as a form of daycare. Everything I came into contact with said the same things, and we also had some local celebrations of saints which everyone do, even those who are not religious. There is no way I could know that other people thought it wasn't real.
All it takes is for me to tap into this again and it works seamlessly. I've been at workplaces where most people were evangelicals and gone with them to their church as a form of social activity and there just wasn't anything that would "expose me for being different" even if I didn't really care. I just lack their schizophrenia is all.