I am not getting through to you here.

Let me try again: if you have fear, it will prevent any programming from forming, at all. Then someone is telling you to "overcome it", as if it was blocking an already existing road. But the road does not exist. The building of the road itself was blocked.

The welfare system works in the same way: boomers who didn't have welfare learned how to do things, then they create welfare for themselves, but they remember having done it, they have built the roads themselves first, metaphorically speaking. Then they let this welfare grow until it takes up all resources and now there is nothing to build roads with for the next generation. Then boomers tell them to "just shape up", because for them who inherited the "road" it's imprinted in their brains, so they think "just do it". But it does not physically exist anymore, there is only welfare. Then they increase the police presence to "stop crime" but they have left no way for people to build the essential roads in life, so by doing this they are just saying "we'll kill you for not building the road that we didn't let you build", so crime will just increase, and it will target the boomers themselves. This is how crimes against the elderly is now a specific thing.

You are not "removing a computer virus" and suddenly the computer works, because the Operating System is the virus. Remove it, and the computer cannot be used at all. That is the welfare society.