>  Unbelievable how normalfags can operate without intuition and "teach" how their faulty "reasoning" is the "key to live" while proving they are everything but reasonable...
That's walking down one arm of the starfish. The last idiot to live is right all the time, and no one learned from his final destruction because he was the last one standing. In the end, only the clueless demonic girl at my mansion sees what happened, but she only thinks about which herb to get in the garden to neutralize the poison so it can be eaten. The herbs aren't actually spices either, they're the magic stash of Creepy Hollows which I confiscated when the timelines collapsed, didn't know how to store them so I made them appear as seeds to be planted in the garden. But none of this matters, it's all just cooking with ingredients, "cute girls doing cute things" while mindlessly ending evil crime syndicates. They also grill demiurges and those 9 galaxies long "barracudas" out in the yard.