I am not sure because I had one of the craziest set of dreams last night and I am still not sure if it was because the Russian witches or Yuuka and the an "NWO layer" getting purified or some other thing but I accessed an another layer of existence and... Too many things happened also.

> Burning everything away in a fierce flame and laughing with tears of joy.
> wearing an outfit akin to nero claudius' but sitll had artoria lancer's body
Sounds like the authority of Gevurah or something similar. You are getting an another "royal authority" which is the "wrath/flame of God" of sorts. That is my take for now.

> for whatever reason thoughts of Neptune popped up as well
From Gevurah/Mars you can go "there". Might be the "next stop" for you but... this system of planetary magic is changing or evolving as of now so I will not say much about it.

And about my dreams... It seems I got initiated into the world of shadows? A place where no forms exist just sort of energies that can take forms and there is "no sun" because the light of our "soul" is strong enough light source already and there is no need for "more"? Also I was attacked and I was not sure if it was a test or an initiation or an attack but what I wrote about how to fight beings with and without forms was literally what had to happen. What a night it was. Wonder if similar things happened to others.