> I just punched people
It was a bit more complicated on my end, I had to clear three elite bases which were all formed like pine cones when viewed astrally. They are the reason the elite families were so smug about themselves. They each also had one Earth Mother in there to recreate humanity with. The perfectly genetic engineered fungus women given out by a certain planetary system of seeders whose entire "spreading model" is to provide everyone with immortal women of their own race. Everyone is being used by them, basically, but all modern humans as we know them do originate from these "perfect whites".

The Pine cone bases had similar structures to the way the womb turned out on the demon loli body I ended up with when running a training program with Astra to create a "functional Molochian" form to see how they would work out. It's very "base industry" in feel, very hard and very tough, the Raids weren't able to get through with regular no-effort attacks. Not that the shields were impenetrable, but it would have taken active focus and I don't do this with combat, I want it to be self supporting so I can send them out and clear bases while I sleep. So I created a new "molochian shield breaker" weapon for them and that did the job. The new
> Raid General, all-purpose base raider/world police
> Raid Extremist, has extra piercing ability to break down shields faster
Both have the ability to do this on idle function.
The shield in my version is also available on that post.