I just learned how I can "talk" to dimensions. It is like you can "sense" the "maintenance deities" and summon them. They are omnipresent because they are sewn into the fabric of that dimension and as an "accepted visitor" you are allowed to talk to them.

The reason why I wrote this longpost because it seems the new dimension I found is a "cemetery of my past lives". I had an awakening in the early middle ages and managed to access all my past lives at once and because I was not "aware" of "past lives" and had no way handling that situation my mind fragmented and suddenly I thought I am all of them and none of them at once. 
Because of that they kinda got lost in a dimension without time and the "empty forms" fell into a darkness where time does not flow and as I noticed "my light" parts of my being left that place while leaving other parts in a place where there is no time progression. And without the "moving forces of existence" being present there they just became "limp" in perfect in-animation. Now I will have to "face them" and understand the "common force" that was present in multiple lives and "take them home" or they will just randomly manifest in my psyche. Can't wait to reclaim hundreds of years worth of opinions and patterns... Good thing this life has anime and videogames. It was a funny realization. Anime and videogames did not exist in those lives so this "unique feature" will serve as a "beacon" so I will not think I am a family dad farmer or a missionary in a woods or whatever I was in those lives because those lives had no anime... My spirit will just wonder about the next airing anime episode and realize it's no time to be lost in an eternal moment of existence. 

I know how this sounds and I too am baffled of it's irony. 

 I did not think this post will be this long when I started writing it. If you are one of the 3 persons who bothers reading it feel free to tell me to tone down the confusing babble. 
It seems I managed to find a "long posting egregore" and as I was in a dream writing some extremely long post about some nature of reality I got a reply.
> You are focusing too much on history instead of understanding the cosmic nature of reality
That reply made me weirdly mad and it seems my mind is figuring out that "idea" and this is the result of that process.