> the problem seems very complicated.
Yeah. The only advice I can give is you have to find a "higher reality". A supreme/ultimate reality of sorts. Even in Kabbalah Yesod/Moon/Astral is just a mere realm of illusions and "divinity" only found after it. I don't consider Kabbalah as the only answer but to "leave" earth or do "reality bending magic" you will have to find forces that are more real than the "reality" you can perceive. Not easy and the "hardest part" is that once you find that you will have to pace yourself real hard so that "higher reality" does not absorb parts of you. Not to mention that 
> We have to give back to earth those parts that the earth gave us
And that is elemental magic. That is the "low level reality bending magic" but that is dangerous if you are not aware of the "consciousness"/nature of the elements. A wildfire will gain a new meaning once it truly has a consciousness.
Also yes. You have to get in touch with the "inner animal(s)" that our body is made off. Those aspects are powerful.
> find a way to get rid of human limitations
Tap into the human potential first. Have a positive outlook instead a negative. Human potential is infinite while human limitations are something we are making for ourselves every day. The "modern man" is far more limited in many ways than the "ancient man". We are too dependent on technology/conformity. If you find the innate power that gives humans the ability to use magic by instinct you are golden. Hard to explain it because "modern education" brainwashed that skill out of us. It's like learning to walk and talk and not like memorizing a manual. Sorry if I cannot be more helpful. My current level can only yield an advice of this level