> your main weakness seems to be not knowing your own abilities and their effects.

yeah... I always discover something as a "fluke" do it like 3 times and then I stop doing it because I deem it as a waste of time or too unreliable to to depend upon. I only keep doing something if it's beneficial long term but I always strive to overcome the "need" to use that ability. I realized if I want to learn things fast I need to forget things fast. I figured out how I can deem large parts of my memory "unimportant" so new information can be learned with utmost speed. I reforged myself through the years many times to "adapt" to my circumstances but I never deemed a single form worthy for long term. I usually remake myself every 2 years because my life always changes approx every 2 years.

> prithvi mudra
earth element huh 
Well stagnation was the main element of my life in the last 3 years.I hate stagnation but it was the element I needed to make sure things don't get worse. But now I "connected" to some sun so my fire element is a little high. 

> not knowing your own abilities and their effects.

there is an another reason for this. I choose what effect I want and I mold my abilities so I can get the desired effect no matter what.

Also the last 2 week was a roller coaster for my abilities. 
Do you have some insight about my abilities with a conclusion you want me to arrive by myself? Or you just advise me to "ground" myself for mental clarity with the earth element. Or I am missing something deeper about this mudra.