Federation announcement

With above information publicly shared, it is considered that the relevant parties have received this information on the nature of higher magic.

Effective from today is a ban on the general use of higher magic within the Earth sphere. Correct usage is still allowed, but most of the population is not undead or perfect non-interfering channels. Those matching such criteria may still use higher magic, but the general population may not.

Spells which bypass the shield effortlessly are allowed spells. Spells which are blocked by the shield are banned. Accidentally casting banned spells out of ignorance will be overlooked for now. If you experience your spell being blocked; do not attempt a second casting. Instead you must analyse why the spell was blocked so as to not repeat the mistake.

Repeatedly casting spells which are blocked by the shield, will be considered an intentional policy violation. This will lead to federation moderation taking action to prevent further offenses. Intentionally attacking the shield with an attempt at breaking it, will receive instant response and be classified as terrorism or counter-revolutionary activity.

- end of channelling