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> combined with belief in authority
My country distrusts authority by default. If the government does everything right that is almost miraculous but still suspicious. First we see if the other person is "okay" then we bother to check his authority status. We are defiant by default. Authorities are our enemies. Hard to imagine that they want our best. That is our instinct. But ofc once it turns out they are actually non-retards that know what they are doing the trust slowly establishes. We only tolerate retards if they are family or at least entertaining. Western ones are definitely not that.
> people just memorize it like robots and repeat it like a choir of Maoists flailing around with the little red book
This is the funny thing. I am exposed to western media because of the internet for a decade+ while the local population is mostly not. So whenever a leftist is trying to emulate the western bullshit they cannot even manage to word it properly. They don't even have that brainwashed zeal because "western authority" is not in their butt and they have to stand on their own and say "their truth" but the pressure just makes them fumble. The only ones who have some charisma are old commie boomers who lost their credibility decades ago. Only commie boomers vote them. Soyboys are unable to turn into political leaders here. They personality is too weak for that. They are less memorable than the average tiktok star.
> tv debates
> Total circus
This is why we don't have those anymore. In the 90s and 2000s we had those but it turned into a shit flinging contest where politicians just lied left and right while 90% of the populace were unable to comprehend the topic the politicians were talking about. It was pointless. The government realized that these "debates" where the left gets the talking points from "lobbyists" and from outrage theory psychologists is pointless. Causes more damage than good for everyone involved. Because of this we have state owned media where the government explains several sides of the coin so the "loyal" populace can get informed while there are many private TV channels where you can watch the watered down shit flinging that the west has. Watching leftist channels in usually eye opening because you see how the leftists here have no idea how bad things are on the west. If the government says the western degeneration is bad and makes laws against it then it is just a misdirection and a propaganda. They are grasping every straw to stay relevant and unable to do anything. Sadly this is just history repeating for us.
We got rid of our Habsburg masters after WW1 then managed to prosper a little then got invaded by Nazis then Commies. Now we got rid of the Commie masters and now the next stage is here where we need to "remind" the "masters" that we entered into the EU and NATO AS EQUAL PARTNERS AND NOT AS FUCKING VASSALS. We have the smallest nato presence tho. Mostly Poland and Romania has the bases. Poland is being overtaken real hard :(. Utilizing Poland's hateboner for Russia went too easy while Romanians only stab their masters when they know they can get away with it. It's a weird house of cards. Let's not talk about our other neighbors tho. We have every flavor of weirdness there. Pic related.