> handling them like a bunch of wild animals is okay until an intelligent one comes along
I think you're also misunderstanding "intelligence". Real intelligence is when you can still behave in a way that keeps you in the upper hand position when you're at your worst. If you look at military tactics and stragegies some of them come down to 
> let's attack in two places at once to confuse the enemy
or the never old
> let's dress our soldiers in someone else's uniforms and make a diversion attack
Intelligence in these situations is when your opponent thinks
> they wouldn't do that
making them unprepared. 
Modern society thinks intelligence is a highly specialized researcher spending 20 years in finding a sulotion to a 200 year old problem. I don't know how intelligent that is, isn't that just an ability to focus on one thing for long periods?
> don't you get karma for that?
Not when done within the method of eliminating karma. If the enemy is evil they have karma, that is their weakness. Force that weakness to attack themselves. Most hexes don't "care" what energy you use to fuel them, so just use the target's own karma. It's not your fault that it exists.