The aryan queen was in a space station like the one in Space Odyssey. It was impossible to locate this one earlier because of her timeline protection. I accidentally found her only after I invented a "humane" gun which teleports away any innocents. Because of the principles I use for my creations, it was a weakness that shooting at places with civilians was impossible if those would be harmed. Raid uses only a dagger and fire magic, but fire is also kind of dangerous which restricted her to use only melee, that's one reason for the design. But after I invented that weapon I saw this space station with glowies on it so I blew it up, and then this high energy female with sigils on her body was automatically teleported away as the explosion hit. The timeline protection "accepted" her being removed to safety that way, so the space station was revealed. 

When I sent out Crimson to trace down the NWO bases on the surface they found one in a mountain in California. There were like 4 silver and 2 gold queens there. In the ocean to the west somewhere (I can't monitor every single one of them, it's like looking at 20 surveillance screens at once) there was also a "yellow" queen and a black queen, whom I assume are the origins of the Asians and the Africans. Hence they are called yellow and black even if they don't actually look that way, it's their energy colour showing like sigils on their bodies.