> Which isn't great because this can be manipulated pretty easily and isn't that accurate
Everything can be manipulated. History perception the way we think the fabric of reality... Everything is an illusion and everything is defined via different sets of illusions... But iktf you are talking about. I had to understand once I went truly "out of bounds" that the physical "grind" and sitting front of the pooter are the only things that ground me and as long as I am unable to feel my true grounding I have to take a step back and enjoy "the modern life" otherwise I will get lost in the swarm of energies.

> issue is that I seem to become completely drained of motivation or impetus when projecting out of my body
Drugs. Your body is generating an awful amount of of drugs so you have the continuous will to live and survive and go forward. Those drugs don't translate well in the astral at first... Then they become weirdly addictive as they get tainted via "earthly desires" which is a road to hell. Understanding and overcoming them takes time. We talked about "failed immortals" for a very long while. The fear of death... That is an extremely strong motivational force and once that is gone and you did not understand your own innate motivational forces you will just feel empty and lost (like Mokou in touhou). This is why the "fear of death" needs to be overcome no matter what. First it limits you then entities will exploit that fear and after that you will notice you see no point in "living" because that is not "life" anymore. Life requires the run from or towards death without death it is no longer life and that "drug" will not be there to move us. Was paradoxial realizing while looking for "immortality" is that I desire to die more than I desire to live. I was living out of stubbornness/spite and a sort of pride and not because of the sole reason that I wanted to live. 

> decide on a 'goal' to work on beforehand
That is also important because after that the "inner spirits" or the astral guides or any entity that can read intent can "help you" because they know what you want. Hard to help those that want nothing. I know because sometimes I am that kind of person too. If I don't have a "goal" I usually just get lost in realms and wander between different visions that are as spectacular as meaningless so they don't even get properly registered into my memory as experiences.