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Watamelon... png
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> The Western Spring event is taking off
It's still winter and flowers that mistake mild weather as the start of spring don't always survive the sudden cold wave that February brings. I am hopeful because globohomo hijacked protests in the last decade and they are way too obnoxious with it and don't even pretend to hide how inorganic their protests are and they deserve a "real protest" that they are unable to control. BLM was ridiculous and once they started to go out of control via starting to protest again covid vaccines and saying how the jews are "white colonizers" and BLM stands with palestine they erased their presence so fast it was ridiculous.
I want to see something that cannot be erased. Canadians had their trucking protest and the farming protest started in Europe last year via the Dutch and those went nowhere. Now it has a higher voltage behind these but I am not sure how this will play out. The west is deciding it's own fate with this. Wonder how they will handle it. When the USSR collapsed most countries knew the jig is up and they are moments away from a mass unrest if they don't reform fast. I am not seeing that level of situational awareness from the western leadership but I don't see that deep generations long hatred in the western populace either (yet). But they are close to it at least. Can't believe withdrawing from Afghanistan is the staple for the fall of a super power now. This is like that saying about how those who hold Bosnia always lose the war.

> [fedcute]
Also ofc they are mad. They never thought they have to handle a crisis that they did not orchestrate by themselves.
If a shepherd gets trampled by his own sheep then he is no shepherd and that flock was never his. They are not even on the levels of guard dogs. They are on the level of parasites that the sheep eats up from the mud and slowly infects the flock. If the parasites kill the weak too fast it is unable to spread and the strong sheep just becomes stronger via natural selection.