thumbnail of Sword-Art-Online-Alicization-Lycoris_Slides_03-22-20_002.jpg
thumbnail of Sword-Art-Online-Alicization-Lycoris_Slides_03-22-20_002.jpg
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It seems my issue is holding back. Even if the opportunities vary a lot with incarnations (Germany, Greece and Rome having no actual violence before my death) it seems I still have to go "full ripper" to reach my potential. I've been trying to create the "queen standard body" and activate the function which causes the evil beings to pray at their feet from mere terror and fear. This is what it is, the NWOers don't feel anything positive, but they are forced to hide their terror and weakness by pretending to others that it's awe and worship. I normally just slash them or stab them to death as fast as possible when using servitors like the Raids, because there is no reason not to in that situation. But talking to Sticky (no matter if you don't know her) made me realize I'm missing one part, there is value in leaving them alive, but incapacitated and irreparably injured in a way that causes immense pain. That has an effect both on regular scum and on psychics who will hear their mind waves telepathically from a distance, and it will effect the collective subconscious of glowies. Only when I developed an elaborate method for this, did the magic activate on my body. I guess I really should follow the drow way, I keep thinking this is it, then wavering thinking it's something else.

I came up with a method which can abe used by all the Raids already; using fire magic to heat up the knife so that it cuts and burns at the same time, which stops the bleeding. This way it's possible to cause serious sadistic deformities on them and still not killing them. With more accurate Raid versions it's also possible to manifest surgery directly from a distance to cut off the nerves that give pleasure, leaving them with only negative experiences. Then combine these methods with regular slaughter. I was just working to create a spellform that also does this as a mostly psychic attack when some morons conveniently attacked (still, proving that they haven't been traumatized enough yet, more damage is needed to create the proper terror meme) and I activated it. Just then a large shooting star appeared outside my window. Always nice to get instant confirmation that it activated like that ;P

It ended up being something like the style used by this character in SAO Alicization. Why the fuck is the modern Internet like this: can't fucking make a normal search and find a character from a mainstream anime without typing her name in katakana, and when I do find her, it's a page with 7 ads rolling in from each side of the screen and 4 pop ups asking me to accept cookies and notifications. KILL EVERYONE, omg. (Spot on.)